Big Creek Greenway Weather Conditions Widget
We’ve added a new feature to help determine if the Greenway is usable with the recent rains. Now you can check on the weather and river level in your area at the top of our site. New data, including temperature, humidity, wind, conditions and water level, is updated every half an hour. The river level is usually from 45 minutes to an hour behind current time.
We’ll be enhancing this new feature as time goes on, including adding a method to notify if the river level is currently rising or falling, and if the river level is nearing flood stage. Unfortunately after speaking with the city of Alpharetta, there is no definite way to determine when the trail closes due to flooding, or when it will reopen. You can call the city of Alpharetta to get Big Creek Greenway information at (678) 297-6102 if you are unsure of flooding.
Enjoy, and as always, if there is something you would like to see on this site, shoot us an e-mail or leave a comment. Thanks to the USGS and for making the data available.