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Topic: Fowler Park - Your Impressions?
Posts: 7

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Fowler Park - Your Impressions?
on: March 1, 2011, 15:30

I got a chance to visit the new Fowler Park in Forsyth County this past weekend. In addition to connecting with the Big Creek Greenway (maybe this week), the park has numerous baseball fields, soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, playground, open common areas, a skate park, and its own trail. Needless to say, both my toddler son and I were very impressed. I have a feeling we will be spending quite a bit of time there over the years.

Did anyone else get a chance to visit the park yet? What were your impressions?

Google Maps Park Location

Forsyth County Park Website

Park Map

Jeff has lived in the North Atlanta Metro Area for most of his life. Growing up in Lilburn, GA, he has been a fan of hiking, biking, and boating since he was little. Now he lives with his wife and two sons in Cumming, GA. He walks the Forsyth Big Creek Greenway regularly and bikes it occasionally.

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